Despite all of my efforts, I think he is actually potty trained. I tried to keep him in diapers, but he has other plans. We have been using the potty at home with perfection for months, but I always slip a diaper on him for errands and adventures just because I wasn't ready to conquer the public bathroom with him yet. Wanna know how I know he is trained? I earned 2 mother of the year awards for this knowledge.
Remember that day that Jack locked me out of the car in the Arctic parking lot of Target? Well, that day, while getting him ready for our outing, I put overalls on him over his thermals, socks and shoes, coat and hat and we were out the door. By the time we got to Greta's school to pick her up it was 11:30 and Jack went into the boy's bathroom right outside her room. I just looked at him and made him come back out. Greta said she needed to go potty before we left so we went into the girl's bathroom and I helped her. Jack said, "me peepee too." I brilliantly said, "Jack, you wait until we get home because I don't have a new diaper to put on you if I take this one off." We were on our way.
We got home and I got the kids settled into some Caillou on the TV to fine tune their whining skills while I make their lunch. I notice Jack tugging on his overall straps and I think, oh, he wants those off. But, I go upstairs and make lunch. Lunch is served on the coffee table and Jack walks up to me and he is soaked from his waist down! Yep, Brilliant me didn't even realize the poor kid didn't have a diaper on and needed to go potty. He had been trying to tell me for an hour. Brilliant.
The second award I got...Again, picking Greta up from school, we were early. Jack goes into the girls bathroom and says, "I peepee." I think, well, we have to do it sometime, so I take off his coat and pull down the jeans and take off the diaper and set him on the potty, holding him under his arms. Looks good. I hear him peeing, but I don't see the water turning yellow. That is because he peed out the crack below the seat and above the bowl and soaked his pants, socks and made a huge puddle on the floor. So, I failed. I have no idea how to help the little man pee in the potty. I am making him pee like a girl because I just don't know the technique to get such a little guy to aim up that high. When we first started training I held him over the potty like superman and all he did was laugh and toot. Maybe I can fit a step stool into the diaper bag. Or, obviously, a change of clothes.