Thursday, October 10, 2013

Apple's iOS 7 Brings Jack to Tears

Small Adorable Child Goes Viral

Tick tock, it's 2 o'clock and this is the second time in a month that I have had an hour without a child looking at me....looking for answers, looking for a drink of something, looking for a kleenex. I needed this. Quiet. It's almost too quiet. I can even hear Mimsy snoring.

Wanna know what happened to us? Well, Jack went viral. Not as in sick, but just google ios7 meltdown and there are pages and pages of news articles about him crying over the apple upgrade. And, he also went viral on the book of faces and twitter...And I hit a wall. 

We updated. We knew he wouldn't like it. Then that morning came and I was upstairs getting our little school ready for some action. I heard him crying and thought to myself, "Just let Derek handle it".  Boy, did he! He took the unloved ipad from Jack who was ramping up for some crocodile tears and blood curdling screaming...and he recorded it to make a joke to his geeks at work...yeah, the ones that would also be crying over this update.  It was a joke. All morning at work Derek said he could hear Jack crying through out the laptops at VML. They asked him to stick it up on youtube so they could share it. And, then, BOOM. Derek started getting calls from European brokers that wanted to buy the clip for media.  Derek went to VML legal to get direction and before we knew it we were at almost a million views on youtube.  Derek called to tell me about it and I went to his channel to see for myself. I watched the little clip and then saw comments...OH yay, comments! Let me read... (and put the brakes on, sistah!) I. was. shaken. ouch.  

So here is where I am now with this. There are a whole lot of people in this world. Many of these people are socially stinted, angry, or what ever. And many are really kids on the internet. You just don't know who they are, these people that think we are horrible people and horrible parents and that we should die ...or worse. And, these people don't know who we are either.  So, we let it play out. At almost 3,000,000 views we are kind of laughing...and planning a trip to Disneyland again...for Jack...our spoilt little sweetie.

Oh, and my alone time is now over, so I will write again soon about that wall I hit!