Tuesday, September 13, 2011

just so ya know....

MVI_7449, originally uploaded by DerekandRebecca.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Little Miss Pre K

Greta stands in the Garden at Rolling Hills Presbyterian Church where she attends preschool. It is a beautiful garden that we enjoy every day we pass through. There should be more gardens in the world.
Brother Jack thinks school is bleh. He really misses Gigi when she is there. He cried on her first day...In the middle of Target...A sobbing mess on the floor, "I miss Gigi, that is why I cry!" I cried, too. I don't know why. Life is fleeting, I guess. Witnessing her live and grow makes me weep.
Call for a photo session and you get what you pay for with Greta. She picked out her clothes for the day. She also wanted a pony tails so she "wouldn't look like a wild animal".
In her backpack are extra clothes, just incase, her TAG pen, a red dinosaur and a Littlest Pet Shop puppy and Mulan in the side pocket. She also packed a buckeye....the same buckeye that I found in Mom and Dado's yard the day of Dado's funeral. It keeps showing up during special moments. That it was in Gigi's packpack on her first day of Pre K was perfect. I don't know where she found it...she had no idea what it was. (They are lucky, you know.)
She is becoming quite a little girl. She is very special. She is very loved.

Slide Down My Rainbow


The summer was super. I am writing to tell you we have closed the book on it. We are already watching for fall leaves to show their colors. And, they are. I sit here and let out a big sigh. Summer is over, just like that and I look back at it and can offer no exciting stories of vacations or monumental experiences. I just sigh. We had a lot of plans to do nothing. And, they went well. Nothing was actually great. We swam a few times, but not enough to get tan lines or swimmers ear. We found some nice shaded parks. We turned our home into an art gallery with Crayola washable markers and card stock. We baked...mostly muffins, buttermilk biscuits, and breakfast fare. Summer was super.

But onward we go. Fall is in the air. It feels cooler already and we have some capes itching to fly into giant piles of yellow leaves. The super friends are restless, but are learning patience. The trees have some work to do...so we wait. There is fun in store this fall.