Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Gelato and Pizza

Greta and Jack's Grandma and Poppy drove in from Kentucky for a weekend visit! We went for Pizza and gelato at our favorite spot in Leawood - Parkplace. Greta and Jack had a total ball...and so did Grandma and Poppy. They are absolutely nuts over the kids. Greta almost combusted when they brought her an Ariel the Little Mermaid doll, and Jack got a Buzz Lightyear (he calls him Zzzzz).

The sun was in the sky but the temperature was a little bit chilly, so the gelato tasted much better than it felt. We all had goosebumps. And Jack made me laugh once again...He instantly took to a little leather bomber jacket that Gee brought over for dress up. He wouldn't take it off before dinner and he looked hysterical in it. Our little Fonz.

The weekend was full of hugs and kisses...and now it is time to unspoil the kids a bit!

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