Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Jack is 8 months old today!

So, the little guy is still up at night every hour and a half, but I love him. I think it is habit for me to go into his nursery now, and I bet he would even put himself back to sleep without me part of those wakings if I would just wait...But I tend to sleep walk in at this point...And I am sure I will kind of miss it when he snoozes all through the night. Kind of.

Jack is doing great eating solids and we have tried so many new things. He is not picky - even likes steamed peas and rice! His favorite is still avocado. So good. I ate an avocado or 2 every day I was pregnant with him.

He is crawling with vigor and is cruising. I laugh so hard when I see him "grapevining" along the couch and around our big square ottoman. We always put Greta's cup of juice or milk in the center of the ottoman and he circles and circles trying to get his fingers on it. I also always laugh as Jack likes to carry things with him on his journey across the room, so he puts them in his mouth like a dog! Oh, and speaking of Greta's cup....He did get it and the kiddo is drinking through a straw with no problem at all. Looks like we are going to skip the bottle, and sippy like we did with Greta. That baby can chug. He will do quite well in college, which will be here in no time, as the last 8 months were a blur.

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