Saturday, September 11, 2010


This day always will bring emotions that bind us together in a horrible way, and a remarkable way. I remember.
We woke up this morning and it was gray and still kind of dark outside from rain and storms last night. Derek found a program on the History Channel about the architect that built the Towers and also about the terrible events of 9/11. Terrible. It comes back to bring tears even all these years later. I see it and I still can't even believe it.
Greta and Jack were playing with books. Greta came to the couch and looked at me and asked what we were watching....
I have no words for her. There is no way to talk about this to a child.
Let's go outside and play. The sun came out.

God bless America and our heros and our children and our fallen. God bless them, please.

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