We lost her. On one of the visits to see Papa, Tinkerbell and Beauty were left behind and I assured Greta that Papa would take good care of them until our rescue mission a week later. We went back to find Papa had put them in a safe place in his room, but Tinkerbell was missing at this point. Oh, heartbreak. Papa was crushed and we looked the room over good, just incase she had jumped down from where Papa had kept her. We assured Greta that she was safe, but was hiding somewhere because she wanted to stay and eat Jellybeans. (Have I mentioned that Papa has a secret place out in the TV lounge that he hides a cup of Jelly Bellies? Well, he does, that funny Papa!)
Greta has asked about her every single day...several times a day and especially at bedtime where she and Dad do fairy roll call and status updates on Tink. Greta anticipates her arrival back home within the week.
I am going to time her upon waking from her nap until she spots her lost treasure hiding up in the clock above the desk in the family room. I will update here.
After eating a snack the clock read 4:29 and at 4:33 Jack went running to the clock with his finger pointing and Greta spotted her almost went airborn, "Tinkowbell! You came back! I wuv you!"
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