Wednesday, March 17, 2010

He Flies Through the Air with the Greatest of Ease

Jack can now climb out of his crib.

Last night upon hearing his, "Mamma?" I entered his room to find him balanced on the top bar of the crib about ready to dismount onto the fluffy rug below. I grabbed him up and put him back in his bed and shook my finger at him and made all kinds of hushed inaudible no no's and ehhh ehhh's.

What. Do. We. Do. Now.

The child is unstoppable. I knew it. Freakin' wondersperm.

But on the bright side of his latest accomplishments...drum roll....he is peeing in the potty!
It has occurred 5 times with great laughter afterwards. He thinks that is the funniest thing in the world next to blowing raspberries and squeezing my boobs together. I say, let's keep this party going!

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