Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The News

I wake up in the morning and join Derek and Greta and Jack who are having bites (Raisin Bran) and the day is on. We hit the ground running. No morning news, straight to Snow White and the Seven Dwarves today. We dress the babies and ourselves and run out for Jack's 15 month well visit to the Dr. and Greta's 3 year well visit. They were great. They are well and growing as they should. I am so thankful for it, too.

We got home and had lunch and then Derek was off to work and I nursed Jack to sleep while Greta was already in bed. I put my feet up and open my laptop. I see talk of Haiti. I see the news and it is old news. I am behind in knowing what has happened. Jack wakes up after 20 minutes and I am unable to finish reading about the horrible earthquake.

It is so hard with babies to hear about tragedy. And I can't turn on the TV until they are in bed tonight because I don't want them to see the heartbreak and horror. You want to protect them from even knowing that things like this happen let alone something like this happening to them.

Tonight Derek and Greta prayed together at bedtime. She put her little hands together underneath her little chin like a Precious Moments giant-eyed figurine. Coincidentally, she thanked God for her castle. (She is Snow White, after all). I am thankful for ours. My thoughts are with those that go without and with those that have lost everything....absolutely everything. May Greta's prayers have company in Heaven tonight.

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