Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

On this day, the first of May, we made baskets for our friends.  We filled them with fresh cut flowers, saltwater taffy, jelly beans, licorice and chocolates.  Greta and Jack took one to our neighbors, Mike and Dotty.  Greta placed the basket just so and Jack rang their bell.  We all ran back and hid, peeking around the car.  Mike came to the door, picked up the basket and looked our way with puzzlement.  Did he know what day it was? Did he know of the fun you can have?  Greta and Jack jumped out and wished him Happy May Day!  He was delighted.  He loves chocolate.  He gave hugs to all of us and beamed.  He loves Greta and Jack and is so proud of them.  They make him laugh so much with their cute little kid ways.  He held my ear and told me about a fairy exhibit at Powell Gardens.  Greta ran back into our yard while we talked.  She came back and held up her had to Mike saying, "Look at these berries!"  Well, they were not berries at all, but, rabbit poops!  Greta is not pleased, but I think it is a story to tell.  It makes me smile.

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