Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Old Glory Days 2011

We woke up early last Saturday and packed up the car with kiddos, the red wagon and a cooler of treats to munch while we watched the Old Glory Days Grand Parade in Clinton. It was fun, but it was hot. We decorated the wagon with sparkles and found a little spot in a breeze way by the drug store. The carnival rides sat across the square from us shining in the sun waiting to spin and make kids scream and giggle. There were people all around, but none I recognized. I guess I have been away from Clinton long enough to be a stranger there. It still feels like home, though. I do love the square and the festive, small town charm. The Fourth of July is perfect spent in a small town, lighting fireworks off near corn fields with a giant, open blue sky. There are lightning bugs and the smell of grass fields and smoke bombs....and chiggers.

There are always chiggers. While we were at the parade, Derek ran back to the car to get my sunglasses and some cash for a funnel cake. He said he saw a freaky guy with a pit bull on a chain. I have this issue with people who bring their dogs to events with children. Jack is pretty scared of dogs. I have issues with kids around pit bulls that I don't know. And, then he walked up with his dog and stood right next to us. Every time candy was thrown the dog would start blowing foam out of his lips and the chain would tighten around his neck and he would lunge to get it...and I couldn't take it. We found a break in the parade and crossed the street to make our way back to my parent's store. By the courthouse there was so much shade and a good view that we decided to stop and watch some more. Two minutes later, the pit bull and his family were standing right next to us again. Can you believe it? They all lit up cigarettes just to add insult to injury. What are you gonna do? We just loaded up the wagon and moved on. It was still fun and kicked off our holiday weekend perfectly.

Derek, Greta and Jack on parade watch....along with a granny holding her bottle of xxx.

A Fourth of July Clown rolled by...

Wheelies always add excitement...

Circus wagon...where's the lion?

The kids really enjoyed the day. We got snow cones on our way out of town to make it official.

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