Monday, June 28, 2010

The Will of Jack

He is this amazing little baby boy that makes me laugh most of the time and shake my head at his newest trick. We were trying to get our sleep schedule down. We were trying the CIO method that I swore I would not consider. And then we had tried everything except CIO and we gave it an honest try. Instead of getting better and crying less...Jack cried more and more each night and would cry and scream my name through nap time. He would cry and scream my name at night for an hour and then stand in his crib for 2 to 3 hours just staring at the door. He would shake his finger at the monitor and say, "no". I went against what every advice said, and I went in his room and ended the madness. And then we had a breakthrough!

When it is time for a nap or bed at night, I take Jack to his room and I nurse him and sing to him and rock him until he is groggy and then I lay him in his bed and I lay on the floor and he instantly goes to sleep with a smile on his lips. We have agreed to compromise. I get to sit on the floor and watch his breathing and sweet little face at peace. I stay for only a little while unless he peeks his head up to see if I am there, and then I lay down and pretend to sleep. He really likes it.

We are both so much happier. He is still sleeping through the night, so I can say that we have successfully night weaned! He wakes at the crack of dawn ready to party, but it doesn't seem so bad because I am getting more sleep now than I have in almost 2 years!

I knew this day would come and it feels seriously good!

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