Thursday, November 19, 2009

Hey Jude

On Wed. November 18th, we took our poor old kitty, Jude, to be put to sleep. She was 14 and had been suffering for about a year. I am crushed and I miss her so much.

This time of day, when I have gotten both babies to sleep, was our time. I always shared my lunch with her and brushed her and pet her. We would curl up and have a cat nap or she would watch me working on the computer.

It has never been so quiet here. But, I know that her strong and vibrant life force was not snuffed out, but she lives on in spirit, and she is feeling the warm sunshine on her cheeks and she is sharing it with me.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'munna Get You, You better Run!

Hide and seek was our morning activity. Greta told me, "I will count to 12 and you go hide in the curtains!" Jack was on my team because he wouldn't let me put him down - my sweet little monkey. So, we agreed and Greta began counting with her hands over her eyes. I decided not to hide in the curtains, but to hide on the stairs so I could watch her run by and try to find me in the curtains...heh heh heh.

"One, two, free. Ready or not, herewhy come!" She ran past me snorting and laughing and and then realized she had seen us out of the corner of her eye. "You aren't in the curtains!" She got me, smarty pants.

Our turn. Jack and I counted to 12 slowly to give her time. "Ready or not, here I come!" I opened my eyes and started to trot around the room and pretend to look for her, who would be hiding in the curtains. And, upon taking my first step out of the corner where I was counting, I almost squash her into the floor. "I got you!" she said. She sure did. I thought she would hide and not stand there and watch me count. So, I gave her another chance. I told her to go and hide again and I would count to 12.

This time it worked. She hid. "Ready or not, here I come!" And with that, she was running out from behind the curtains, squealing like a piggy. This happened 4 more times. Then I got to hide again. I said, "Greta, count to 12 slowly so I have time to hide." "OK mamma. One, two, free! Ready or not herewhy come!"

Greta's enthusiasm overwhelms her, sometimes. And, it overwhelms me all the time!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm gonna make a funny.


Now, what was the question?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Adorable Bed Monsters

I am a Nerd

On Halloween night, right after we got the babies back from trick or treating, I was pulling bread out of the oven and getting everything else ready for our guests. Derek took Greta and Jack back outside to look at the pumpkins and from what he told me, they went back over to our neighbors, Mike and Dottie's, house. They returned and came back inside and Jack wanted me to hold him. The door bell rang and it was Greta's favorite friend, Catilyn, who was dressed as Snow White. I brought them in to get treats and was still holding Jack. He started crying so I handed him a box of Nerds to fondle. I love Nerds. I wasn't thinking. I wanted those Nerds. I was talking to Snow White and not even paying attention and then I heard the sound of tiny candy falling and bouncing all over the hardwood floors. Jack, the cardboard eater had munched through and my Nerds were lost forever.

And, I confess that I ate them off of the ground...all of them that I could find. And, Greta came up to me this morning and held up a tiny pink rock and said, "Mamma, what is this?" And, I said, "Its a pebble, let me throw it away." nom nom nom nom.

Eye of newt, cup of milk

Eye of newt, cup of milk, originally uploaded by DerekandRebecca.

Greta said, "hopicus" which means, Hocus Pocus.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Smoke gets in your eye

Smoke gets in your eye, originally uploaded by DerekandRebecca.

Bewitching Night

When two people that absolutely love Halloween as much as Derek and I have children, the outcome is...this:

Greta knew what she wanted to be for Halloween this year even before she was quite sure of what the holiday entailed. This would be her first year out to trick or treat and this was the first year that she could express her enthusiasm with more than squeaks and grunts and 2 word phrases. Greta chose to be a spider way back in August. I let her wear it around the house, but had to fight her to take it off before we ran errands. And, the only reason I made her take it off was that I wanted it to still be special and exciting on Halloween night.

Whew. We made it to Halloween and wouldn't you know it, she told me she wanted to be a witch. ARG! This was my fault, really. We watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. She thought it was fascinating and scary, but not too scary. At the end she looked at me and said, "Is the witch alright?" "She really was kinda nice." My jaw dropped and then I had to laugh! What is this little baby girl going to do in this world? Should I be scared or relieved that she isn't just going to be a princess? I love that about her. I love that she is unique and thoughtful. I should have known this when she exclaimed that her favorite color was undoubtedly orange and not pink or purple or pink with sparkles. Greta is going to surprise us every time. And, in the end, she was a perfect big, black and hairy spider.

Derek and I had the best time decorating the house and filling the month of October with fun for Greta and Jack. A Halloween Express opened down the street and Greta named and seemed to know the monsters and zombies and creepy fellows on display there. We went every few days to let her be scared and giggle and squeal. And, poor Jack hated it and dreaded going. He takes things a little more seriously than his sister does. He much more enjoyed painting pumpkins and sniffing candy bars and watching The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. But, they are going to be the perfect Trick or Treating pair come next year. Jack knew exactly what was going on...and not once did he get a rock in his sack!

So, on Halloween we played outside in the leaves and set our Jack-o-lanterns in a row. We took long naps and I made a pot of spicy chili and breadsticks (old witch's fingers). We simmered cider and chilled the Hornsby's. We dressed up and went out before dark and were back to have a party with our great friends, the Lytles and the Grovers. Derek made a witch's brew with dry ice and we lit the candles and turned on the lightning and thunder on our door step (Greta called it the underboomens). We had a spooktacular time.