Greta loves to have a sip of cold water... and pour it down her front...and pour it down your front. She loves it. She is on her way to becoming a big girl
Well done Bec! We'll look forward to reading about Greta on her blog...ahhh, the lives they lead Charlotte already has an airmiles account and Greta has a blog! A bit different than when we were kiddos! xo
Greta was born on December 7. She weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 20 and 1/4 inches long. Jack was born October 2 and was declared 10 lbs after peeing all over our doctor upon entering the world. This blog is for them, so they may know what life was like before they can remember.
What a cute little girl!
Well done Bec! We'll look forward to reading about Greta on her blog...ahhh, the lives they lead Charlotte already has an airmiles account and Greta has a blog! A bit different than when we were kiddos! xo
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