Monday, September 24, 2012

Orbiting the School

As our first school year began weeks ago, I recall many people telling me that I would finally get a break, or time for myself with Greta and Jack both in school - at least for a couple of hours every week.  I had visions of myself spinning through the aisles of Target "Sound of Music" style.  I had visions of finishing housework without interruption or turning around to see the room I just tidied up instantly strewn with markers and paper.  This vision is long gone, and now I know the truth. I am busy.  

I decided to volunteer my time with the director of the school musical at Bethany and I have found that I take the kiddos to school and pick them up each day and then we go back for rehearsals sometimes twice in one day.  I also volunteered to help with school lunches, so I can proudly say that I got to be a lunch lady. I also am one of the few moms that doesn't have a full time job, so I am called to help with Kindergarten, and school pictures, and vision exams, and chasing a gingerbread man around the school. Run, run, as fast as you can!

Well, I love it all because I love my kids. My favorite day was NASA day at Bethany. I learned a lot, myself!  Mr. Potter is the seventh grade teacher who just happened to have trained with NASA.  He came to speak to the Kindergarten class about everything from the experiments of growing food on the shuttle to Mars to the Vomit Comet.  And, then we dressed the kids in space suits  and ate astronaut food.  Jack was a space monster.

Mr. Potter and his slide show were least to me...Kindergarteners are pretty desensitized to space ships.

We talked about space, planets, and gravity.

Greetings, Earthlings.

Nanu. Nanu.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Jack Goes to S'Cool

Jack and Greta pose outside of Bethany Lutheran Day School.  It is hard to get a picture of just Jack.  Greta just seems to pop up right there, with a smile to add.

Jack was bursting....Almost literally.  He is thrilled to be a school boy at last.

Proud to be Jack.

Here my go!

Waiting to start the morning, Jack is full of butterflies.

My tears were unstoppable. I love my baby boy.

He is so soft and sweet and smart.

Jack is a preschooler now!

I have waited a few days to write about this morning.  I was taken with emotions ranging from pride to sadness.  Jack is our baby boy and he is such an incredible soul.  He has been my buddy.  He is a grocery shopper extraordinaire, a car wash guru, and a lazy cartoon watcher/ toasted English Muffin aficionado .  He is a Target ninja.  Now he is a preschooler. Now I must run the errands solo...and I am going to miss him.

But, onward we go. Preschool is such a big deal.  He has already made friends, but doesn't know any one's name.  He likes the giant building blocks of wood and the big tub of beans.  He likes to play outside and peek at his sister through the window. 

He makes cards for all of us...Even Mimsy got one.  He saves his snack and brings it home to share with me . I love him so much.  I couldn't hug him tighter that morning he went to school.

And, I wanted to say to his teachers, "Love him. Love him as much as me.  He is special and wants to be with you.  He wants to tell you stories.  Listen close.  All he needs is your time and patience.  Please love him and listen. I promise you will be glad you did."